July 5, 2018

Cannabis Paranoia Explained

When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.
                                                             -- Bob Marley

Feeling "paranoid?"

You may be burying your spiritual shit and trying not to think about it. You won't be able to avoid facing it, though, once you open the doors of perception. In fact, you should expect to have some discomfort with entheogens, including cannabis, if you have spiritual work to do, because that infamous cannabis "paranoia" is not a negative side effect of the THC. It's a bursting into consciousness of what you need to know . . . it's part of what heals your soul . . . it's the very effect you're toking to experience!

The unconscious becomes conscious:
* Some people become more conscious of their animal bodies when they toke, something we normally avoid thinking about. All the insecurities of mortality, disease and sexuality rise to the surface as we become aware that we are animals of flesh and blood.

* Our sensations may be enhanced, so we feel physical sensations more acutely. For those who are generally numb, this increased sensation may be uncomfortable and lead to anxiety.

* Often, we have unfinished spiritual business with the people in the room. We're insecure, unsure of their approval, uncertain of what's in their minds. Instead of approaching them, we withdraw and our unspoken fears grow larger and more frightening.

* We may have existential issues and stumbling blocks, decisions left unmade and tasks left undone that suddenly explode into our consciousness when we toke.

None of this can harm you. The contents of your own mind can't hurt you. Instead of avoiding it, you have a chance to let Sacred Green to raise your awareness so you can come to terms with your hidden fears and feelings.

So, if you start to feel "paranoid," don't panic, do these things instead:
* Remind yourself that the feeling itself can't harm you. Like all feelings, it brings you a message from your body or mind. Your job is to get the message, then the uncomfortable feeling will pass.

* Calm your breath. Cannabis can increase your heart rate, exacerbating negative emotions, so calming the body is a great first step.

* If you're with people you trust, then go ahead and talk about it. "I'm feeling really weird right now!" See if you can't get to the bottom of what it is you need to understand.

* If you're with people you don't trust (geesh, don't toke with those kind of people anymore, okay?) then find an excuse to withdraw. Go to the bathroom, go home, go somewhere you feel comfortable, go be with people you trust!

* Go outside and connect with nature. Nature is grounding and healing. Ask the trees to help you understand the spiritual message you need to hear.

* Reach out to your unconscious mind or your higher power and ask for understanding.

* Move the energy of your feelings. Write your brains out. Get up and dance and move the energy physically. Sing, yell, make jokes, bang a drum.

And if all else fails and you can't get in touch with the source, the message from the unconscious, then calm your high by drinking water, taking vitamin C, eating grounding food (sugar is a useful bring-down) or watching a TV show (the ultimate bring-down). But, don't just let it go. When you're in ordinary reality, revisit the feeling and see if you can't face what Sacred Green wants you to know.

You can grow strong in spirit. 
That is the message from Sacred Green.

Cannabis Paranoia Explained

When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.                                                              -- Bob Marley F...